Sunday 24 June 2012

Conversations with a Graduate (1)

me: "Can you see the number? It's in the middle of the excel sheet"

graduate: "No"

me: "Do you have the right file open"

graduate: "Yes, I am in it as read only because you are in it"

me: "What tab are you on?"

graduate: "Sheet 1"

me: "Yes, me too"


Me thinking of how to navigate the graduate to the middle of the screen

me: "O.k What do you see in the top left of the spreadsheet"

graduate: "January"

me: "O.K so we are looking for May, can you see it now, in the middle of the spreadsheet"


A very long one as I wait for the graduate to find the number and not completely loose the will to live.

graduate: "YES, found it. Gosh that took a long time to get to"

me: "Yes, did you have a big night out last night?"

graduate: "Yes"


I now move into anger management mode.

me: "Maybe not such a good idea on a school night"

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