Tuesday 25 June 2013

One of my favourite things by Son

I like buses.

My current set of hot wheels doubles as my pram and moses basket. Mummy says this is a fantastic and clever idea.

I don't think it is.

I like to sleep in my moses basket and get confused when Mummy wraps me up and puts me in bed.

If we are going on an adventure there is no way I am going to sleep through it. Those Sleep Ninja's can forget it.

But I get really cross at the idea time might be getting wasted and I might not be achieving by being put to my bed in the morning or middle of the day. Mummy says I get this from Daddy.

While I am getting good at holding my head up and can stand (with a bit of help from Mummy & Daddy) I can only really wave my arms around and scream and cry. So I do all three as loudly as I can to fight the sleep ninjas and make sure Mummy knows about my displeasure about being in my bed but outside at the same time- what is she after, Sleeps or not Sleeps?

The problem is Mummy doesn't always get me on the bus when I am doing battle. She walks to the next stop and the next one and the one after that until I "calm down" or the Sleep Ninja's get me. Damn her.

Once I am on the bus though its ace.

If I time it properly and start the screaming and crying routine when we are on the bus and it is moving then Mummy is very quick to lift me out and let me look around.

I am BRILLIANT at holding my head up and keeping my legs straight for AGES!!

It is great.

My favourite thing No. 1.

I like best of all to stare at old ladies.

Beyond what Mummy says is "socially acceptable". Apparently once they have said how nice I look and what lovely big eyes I have I should move onto the next pensioner or cuddle into Mummy and pretend to be shy. I think they can say more to Mummy about how wonderful I am.

So I keep staring.

I like the colourful seats. My favourite bus has red, blue and brown tartan seats. That is a lot of colour to look at.

I like it when Mummy sits me so I am facing forward and can look out of the front window. Its like being in Baby Cinema but better because there are cars, lights, trees, people getting on and people getting off.

There is so much to look at.

It's definitely the best.


  1. aw. aston does the same thing with the old ladies! maybe they recognize grandmas when they see them?

  2. I think your right- could be they can sense the oldies- today he was picking on an old man. It's brutal they don't stand a chance with his huge blue eyes!!
